Get Excited!!!!!!

Last night I went to sleep excited and also woke up excited! So much to be excited and thankful about over here. Don’t get me wrong, I have had a few mornings waking up wondering, “what’s next?” I even had one morning I woke up so scared from a dream that it took me all day to be settle. But I wasn’t going to go in a downward spiral on that day without a fight. Funny enough, I knew if I fought, I’d come back out of it! Hallejaluh!!!!

It is so critical that we CHOOSE to not bow to fear. Sure, fear is a warning. It’s purpose is to call us to action. A healthy action. Makes me think of being kicked down but getting back up. I fought to get back up and SO should You!!!!

Now here’s the thing folks! The things that I have been doing the last 4 weeks can be what you are doing too. Everyone can have access to this. What is “this” thing I am talking about you ask? It’s called hope!! Do you remember how I said I’m not going down without a fight. Yeah, well, you were made to go with the same mindset too!! It’s in you! Yes!!!! You know I’ve heard sooooooooo many different types of reports the last many days. Good, bad and ugly!! But make no mistake the Good will always conquer!! In the midst, in the end, in the endurance!! Start the good fight folks! Continue the good fight everyone!

Let’s go back to the beginning of this article. When I woke up this morning, I had the words from a song pop into my spirit. “Day and night, night and day let insense arise.” It is from the song called “Worthy of It All”. I just feel a urgent need for many who are searching to just breathe in, then out and find peace in God! He is our source. Our why. Our reason. So despite the constant reports of harm happening all around us, we can call on God to pull us into Him, or maybe it’s that we need to allow ourself to go towards Him.

What ever you are facing during this worldwide pause of life, I challenge you to let hope in. Turn off the constant bad report. Lean in to find joy and blessings. List your blessings. Sink into hope. Pray and release that tension.

I love you all! May you find this massive pause in Earth a time to re-evaluate the things that really matter in your life.

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This blog was started to begin a lifelong dream journey. As my husband and I grow in our gifts and love for life, we want to share it with others. For those struggling to say 'Yes' to their dreams, we hope you will be inspired and encouraged through this blog to begin taking steps!