New But Continuing

~Welcome to 2019~

It’s going to be a fabulous year. A few things I already see about this year are its challenges, learning curves, abundance, love, gratitude, and speed of excitement. The funny thing about going into a new year is feeling like it’s a clean slate. In many ways it is, but it’s also a continuation. Life will continue to throw challenges that irritate and challenges that we’re ready to face head on. Some things are known, and some things are unknown.

I believe reflection is a key to moving forward. It helps to know where you’ve been and remind you where you’re going. Here are a few of my favorite verses from the last decade and a half: Matthew 6:33 (2004 or earlier); Isaiah 43:18-19 (2015); 2 Timothy 1:7 (2004 or earlier); Isaiah 41:10 (2016); 1 Peter 5:7 (heard it but really understood it in 2015-2016); Ephesians 6:10-12; Ephesains 6: 13-17, 18-20 Isaiah 40:31 (2017); Jeremiah 3:33 (2017); Psalm 27:4, 8 TPT (2017); Isaiah 40:10-11 (2018) —

And honestly there are soooo many more scripture verses that are extremely important to me. They bring life, healing, and its like they are the wind that carries me along. One thing I have learned to do is write it all down in one place. I add and review often. In good times, and in bad times! Many times I have to tell my emotions to chill. And I just say the name of Jesus when I feel overwhelmed.

My prayer for you is that you would begin to listen and hear God’s still small voice for yourself. There is nothing like it! May the year of 2019 be a beginning, a continuation, a load of blessings that you begin to see the goodness of the Lord. From our family to yours, Love, blessings and hope!
